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Week 1: Bullet Rigid Bodies

Simulations breakdown

Finally we are here with Jason again, this time he will be teaching us bifrost, he is always pasionated about it.

During the first week, we were looking at the bullet pluging within Maya. This pluging it plays with physics, making objects rigid and follow any type of physics we want to apply to them, of course the aim of this is make things look realistic so we wont be taking rocks flooting in the air near us, but who knows.

We have to change the preferences for our simulations in Maya, so we going to preferences> Time Slider> Playback> Play every Frame. 

Chache must be disactivated.

1 unit (simulators) = 1 meter in reality. In Maya 1 unit = 1 cm
First Simulation:

During the first lecture we have done some simple simulations with a cube falling to on the ground, this was the presentation of the plugging.

Second Simulation:

For the second simulation, we have created the domino effect, used the same tools but got more into the setting for the bullet plugging, where the objects can be affected by the different properties, like gravity, and push, even the simple weight of the object, some of these settings came to make the figures to go through others for this to be fix we should make them passives colliders,

Screenshot 2022-10-04 104752.png

Bullet plugins for the object that is falling use Active Rigid Body. For the rigid body that will stop the 1 object from falling will be passive rigid body, then in the sub menu instead of box go for the Mesh (static only) then in the body type go to static Body. In the active Rigid Body select collar shape type select the one you need and get closer to the shape of your object in the body type, for that we will going to select Dynamic Rigid Body

Screenshot 2022-10-04 113007.png

To duplicate hit Control key + D then go to edit and click on Duplicate with Transform then click on G on your keyboard to duplicate the last action.


You must put you playback speed to 24 fps x1.


So, the domino effect is happening, but they are falling to slow. To change that we need to adjust some settings to simulate better the physics of our world, on the attribute editor we will find Basic fields. Also, in the bullet effect on the first piece of domino go and change the Initial conditions/ initial velocity on them from 3.000 to 30.000. Keying and Baking your animation with the Domino, go to Edit>Key>Bake Simulation>From Channel Box. 

Third Simulation: Jenga_tower
Screenshot 2022-10-04 124348.png
Jenga tower set up:
Full simulation:

Week 2: NCloth

Today we were looking at the Ncloth simulation where we made a flag with its flagpole, we also used one of the mocap character within Maya to create a simple scene of someone walking forward adding a skirt, that will follow perfectly the character walking, without collapsing into the mesh of the character. Fx Window> Ncloth > Create a cloth. We also made a trampoline, that breaks in the middle because of the wind. 

Create a plane and put it 90 degrees high. Select the (nucleus 1) and tick on the box in the ground plane section to create an invisible floor. Window> Relationships Editor> Dynamic Relationships. 

Flag_pole_process_priciples of Ncloth:

To attach something to another body using constraints go to Ncontrast> Point To Surface with vertex select and the object you want to constraint.


If you want to put things on top of each other just make the one below a passive colaider.


To edit the pressure go to the nucleus 1, go to pressures and adjust the body pressure.


Assessment_01: Destruction and Cloth


Week 3: Bifrost Graph Particle

Screenshot 2023-01-26 at 13.20.24.png


Bifrots liquid process:

With the Bifrost fluid in the fi8ld direction you can control the direction of the fluid.

In the drag window you can control the friction of the liquid depending on the surface. With turbulence and the noise, you can add some levitation you your liquid simulation, but first you will need to reduce the magnitude gravity to 0, then the liquid will go up.


Kill plane inside of the Bifrost menu will reduce the space of rendering for the water, just because if you don’t use this Maya will keep calculating the water falling infinitely, and that will may make maya crash, so with Killplane you will limit the calculation space of the water falling. Also, every time you want something to be a collider you also need to select the liquid, so maya will know which liquid the collider will be affected by.


Motion field will control, direction turbulence and the drag(friction) of the liquid. For these different attributes you will need to active them in the motion field properties, also you can make then to influence more in the simulation by adding mo9re magnitude, by default it will be 5.000.


To add more realistic liquid feeling, you will need to adjust within your bifrostLiquidPoroperties1 in the Resolution Window go the master voxel size and reduce the number but careful because this my crash the computer, also check that your meshing is off in the liquid settings.


To export the motion blur and add it later with you cache already exported you will need to go to the modelling section go to mesh display and the colour set editor where you will see a window with two attributes Bifrost_velocity(RGBA) and bifrost_vorticity_(RGBA). We need to select the first one goes to cache, select alembic cache, the go to export alembic cache selection. Click in create it will ask you where you want to save it, give it a name then scroll down and in the advance options click in Write Colour Sets.


Next will be to open your scene import everything you need including your cache. After this go to your Arnold settings view and active the motion blur, following this go to the bifrostLiwuidMesh Shape, add an AIsatandarsurface2, go to the Arnold, to the export, in the area where is says Motion vector Source copy and paste there the previous Bifrost_velocity for the colour you exported previously.


You can also add some viscosity to your liquid simulation in the liquid properties, you will find the submenu call viscosity in the attributes for the liquid.

Final Renders + lights + motion blur

Pluggin' Boss, with your plane selected to create the sea.


Resolution for X and Z 1024, the computer will enjoy the calculations with these kinds of numbers.

Patch Size on X and Z 200.000 will be ideal for covert the entire plane with natural waves.

Space’s scale: will make least space between the waves

Wind Attributes: also a super interesting area where you can make your waves more ocean

Bifrots ocean process with boss:

Bifrost_ graph in the MPM solver Globals: change the cloth/shell resolution and untick the use mesh resol. So, you will have different meshes with different resolutions they will be independent. You will reduce the resolution in this case if you have a cloth in the scene. Also, in the resolution section untick the detect discontinuity link collider detail. In the setting, you can also change the resolution of the scene.

Bifrots graph MPM process:
Bifrots graph MPM process part 02:

Week 12: XGEN

XGEN Process:


Assignment 2 : Environmental Effects, Three Scenarios.


Assessment task:

The assignment is to make three photo real rendered environmental effects scenarios. These scenarios will be defined by these three titles:

  • Natural – Simulated environmental effect mimicking a natural phenomenon that occurs in the world. Example -  rain, wind, fog, fire or shooting stars.

  • Fantasy Sci-Fi - Simulated environmental effect that has a fantasy or science fiction element. Example – Worm hole or glowing magic cloud.

  • Surreal - Simulated environmental effect that has an odd or unexpected element. Example – Diamonds covering every surface in the scene.


The Assignment will consist of:


  • One animation 5 Secs long plus 2 sec title page, demonstrating one of the scenarios.

  • Two rendered stills, demonstrating the two other scenarios.

Fire simulation: to create the fire we need a sphere and then, convert that sphere into something with volume. Connect ( created_mesh_sphere) to the (source air), and bring a node call (simulate_aero). Then you will see a ball of smoke. You will bring another node to adjust the settings inside of the simulated aero node. This new Node is called (aero_settings_property). We will need no start our fire for this we need to bring the node (vary_source_property).

Natural process:
Bifrost graph node:
Bifrost graph node:
Bifrost graph node:
Bifrost graph node:
Final Renders:
Fantasy Sci-F process:
Final Render:
Surreal process:
Final Render:
Final Render Assessment 02:
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