Week 1: Intro to Nuke.
Week 1, was an introduction to Nuke, this will be one of the most exciting modules for me because I would love one day to become a VFX supervisor. I have already spoken with a couple of people and one of them is my mentor Liam Spencer, a leader compositor in ILM, and some of my colleagues at work. Russell Dodgson and Gavin Mckenzie both work in the TV show His Dark Materials as VFX supervisor and VFX producer manager. Both of them have started in Framestore as Junior compositors. Working as a Lidar Technician in His Dark Materials is giving me so much knowledge of how the production works and how the different departments work one with each other.
The first week was an introduction to the module, where we saw the different topics we are going to go through during the first semester.
How to set up the location of your file. This is the MOST important thing to have a good base within your projects
Self-recording of my introduction to Nuke
I could just have some screenshots of the quick introduction of Nuke with the viewer window and the properties window, node window and in the left side hand, we have the node toolbox. But for me, it is much easier to remember this way see myself doing it.
(Accessed via [tab] button or shortcut key)
Blur – A node for blurring the image
Copy (K) – Used to bring extra channels into the mainstream
Defocus – Used to defocus the image replicating camera defocus
Erode(filter) – Generally used to expand or contract the edge of an alpha channel.
Frame Hold - Freeze's footage on a selected frame. Used a lot for clean up patchwork
Grade (G) – for applying colour correction changes
Keylight – Primary blue/green screen keying node
Keymix – A type of merge that allows you to mix two keys together through the use of a mask...
Merge (M) – Used to composite two elements together
Premult – A multiply operation between the RGB and Alpha of an image. It effectively cuts the image out based on the alpha channel present.
Reformat – Allows changes to the resolution of everything upstream of this node.
Read – A node that allows you to bring the footage into Nuke
Roto (O) – Used to create a matte Roto/
Paint (P) – Used to create mattes, painting, cloning, and paint reveals
Time Offset – A node that offsets the frame range of footage
Tracker – A transform node that tracks pixel values in an image. Used to composite elements into a shot and match the movement within that shot.
Transform (T) – for changing spatial coordinates of an element
Write - This allows you to render your comp out to file.
Week 2: The organization & Roto
During week 2 we were focused on the bases of the roto, with the different tools, as the different pencils and the different nodes you must apply to make this work. Copy node, roto node, blur just in case the edges of your alpha is not that perfect or the edges that you tried to cover were not that perfectly done.
It allows you to create and edit Bezier and B-spline shapes
Creating Common Nodes.
G- grade node.
K- copy node.
M- merge node.
O- roto node.
P- rotopaint node.
R- read node.
W- write node.
The first exercise was the rotoscope of this yellow bean, in my nodes, you can see what different nodes I have used for this task, it is very important to connect them in the right way. otherwise you will start seeing errors or not seen what you want to achieve.
In the video below are the breakdown and the explanation (auto-recordation) of the process I must follow to achieve the basis of rotoscoping
The first task of Roto
The second task of Roto
In the images below you can see my node viewer where the nodes are perfectly made following the path. In addition, you can see in the properties viewer how the colour is also keying to change colour following the mask (roto).
Week 3: The complex Rotoscope
Been one of the most important skills to get a job in any post-production house as an entry or junior level compositor. It is one of the boring jobs in the industry but if you wanna get a job as a compositor you should need a good basis for it because it would be the requirement for you.
This will be a good example of a great rotoscope and complex. A Scanner Darkly is a movie starring Keanu Reeves and Robert Doney J
Raw footage
Here is the area where I will be focusing my roto, using the vezier tool, around the thumb
Final out come of how will look in the viewer window
Recording of the complex roto to the thumb
I the recording I have left some of the problems I had to remember in the future Problems like the save problem I had with the name of the file that was saying that the name wasn't right for the file. After that, I did also had one more problem with hiding my mask I couldn't hide using the short cur M to hide the mask. Try a couple of times. The problem was that I didn't have the right node selected with the roto and the different layer in the roto. Using some blur to make the edges of the thumb a bit softer. I did also ad some blur into the edges of my mask part of the blur node.
The node of the complex Roto
This is the final outcome of my Node view, be aware that sometimes if you don't have pointing the arrows in the right node won't work.
Week 4 basic keying.
This week another important skill, and a potential opportunity to get a job in the industry would be Keying. I was looking and basic keying and some other concepts like Garbage Mattes, Luma Key and multiples exercises some trick within our workflow.
The node of the Luma Keying_01
Video workflow Luma_keying_01
Second Luma Keying
The node of the Luma Keying_02
Video workflow Luma_keying_02
Chroma Key practice (greenscreen)
The node of the chroma Keying_01
Video workflow Chroma_keylight_01
The node of the chroma Keying_02
Video workflow Chroma_keylight_02
My notes for the Different keying:
Luma Keying_workflow
Week 5: Advanced keying.
Using more techniques and different workflows during Week 5 in advanced keying. We began with a piece of node already done, to help us polish those details by the edges.
This is the node from the practice of last week where I have already used the additive key. it is also visible in the recordings from last week
Video workflow additive key
Advanced keying
Video workflow Advanced Keying
Fina Image
Video Final Result
Week 6: Tracking in Nuke
During this week we were looking at different types of tracking, one point tracking, two-point tracking and planar tracking. I have recorded a follow this process as we did in class.
One-Point Tracking
Process of the One-Point Tracking
The node of One-Point Tracking
Two-Point Tracking
Process of the Two-Point Tracking
The node of Two-Point Tracking
Planar Tracking
Process of the Planar Tracking
The begging of node Planar Tracking
Colour grading for the car's plate.
The node of Planar Tracking
Week 8: Colour and Grading
Colour correction, compensation, light correction and matching components in the scene were the main point of the week 8 lecture. Following the steps of Match Luma then Tones.
Process of Colour and Grading on the women
Final Result
The final Node
Process of Colour Grading and roto the floor for the shadow
The final Node
Process of Colour Grading and roto the door
The final Node
Process of Colour Grading Final Task
Beginning of the Task
Final task Done
The final Node
Week 9: Cleanup & Patch Repair
Cleanup Roto Paint and Tracker
Roto Paint (clone tool)
Final outcome
Final Node
Cleanup Static Patch Process
Final Node
Week 10: Complex Cleanup
Cleanup Crowd Process
Final Node
Final outcome
Final outcome
Final Node
Week 11: Complex Cleanup
Task 1: Logo removal and replacement
Task 1: Logo removal and replacement. Process
Node graph
Task 2: Removal green screen and keylight
Task 2: Removal green screen and keylight. Process
Node graph
You will need to download and copy the data to your machine, create the Comps, and submit your .nk and final quicktime videos that you have exported from Nuke here.
We want 2 shots completed.
1. One that is about matching the reference video which can be found in quicktimes folder. This will show your skills in Nuke, your ability to be accurate and layout scripts in a professional manner.
2. Secondly develop the first shot by being creative. What can be done to this shot that makes it interesting and shows off your artistic skills.